Jews need to add the
story of an even greater miracle than the Exodus from Egypt retold at the
Passover Seder. Liberating one nation of
thousands from enslavement in one country after hundreds of years of exile and
its return to the Land of Israel pales in comparison with the Zionist miracle
in our time. The return of millions of
Jews, the indigenous people of the Land of Israel, from a hundred countries after
thousands of years of exile to live in freedom in the reborn State of Israel is
Three times a day,
in the morning, afternoon and evening prayers, Jews have cried out the Hebrew words
of the prophet Isaiah during their 2,000 years of bitter exile, “Sound the
great shofar for our freedom, create the miracle of gathering our exiles and bring
us together from the four corners of the earth into our land. Blessed are You, God, Who gathers in the
dispersed of Israel.” The Hebrew
language of prayer has come alive as the spoken language of the ingathered
exiles in daily life.
What an amazing
privilege for me to see my people’s prayers answered in my lifetime and to live
the miracle daily in Israel with my wife and our children, grandchildren and
Keep the Holiday of
Matzot. Eat matzot for seven days.
(Exodus 23:15)
Passover is called
the Holiday of Matzot, the Holiday of Springtime, and the Season of Our
Freedom. The shape of round and rectangular matzot can teach us about freedom
and creative rebirth in springtime. These matzah shapes give us clues to
understanding the structure of Jewish consciousness. I explored these ideas in depth as professor
at Ariel University in my courses “Art in Jewish Thought” and “Judaism and
Zionism: Roots and Values,” and in my book The Future of Art in a
Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness (Intellect
Books/University of Chicago Press)
The following is from the Torah
Tweets blogart project that my wife Miriam and I created. It appears in my book Photograph God:
Creating a Spiritual Blog of Your Life
Circular hand-made matzot and rectangular machine-made
matzot are eaten at the Passover Seder
Circular matzot symbolize idolatry. Since words in the Torah are written without
vowels, calf (EGeL) can also be read as circle (EGuL).
The idolatrous transgression of the Israelites was their
worship of Ra, the sun God represented in Egyptian art as a golden
Rectangular matzot symbolize slavery. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites in the
malben, meaning both brickyard and rectangle.
Mitzrayim, the biblical name of Egypt, means
narrowness. The exodus into the wide
expanses of the Sinai desert expanded consciousness.
From narrow straits I called out to God. God answered
me with expansiveness. (Psalm 118)
As we break matzot to eat them, we break out of the box and
circle, both closed forms, breaking away from narrowness of thought.
Jewish consciousness is shaped by spiral forms, from Torah
scroll to DNA to tzitzit fringes to ram's horn shofar to spiral hallah
Jews are called Am HaSePheR (People of the Torah
Scroll). The SPR root found its way into
the words SPiRal, SPiRitual and inSPiRation.
(From The Times of Israel, April 6, 2017,
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