I photographed my great-grandson Eliad and his
kindergarten classmates celebrating Purim 2011/5771 in Petah Tikva, the Israeli
city named “Opening to Hope.” Today, the
story remains the same. Only the players
and their costumes have changed. Haman’s
reincarnations in present day Persia have changed from scary-faced Ahmadinejad
with a bare head and suit jacket to smiley-faced Rouhani wearing a turban and
My wife Miriam and I visited Eliad’s kindergarden for our
“Torah Tweets” blogart project. It can
be accessed with the Purim photographs at http://bibleblogyourlife.blogspot.co.il/2014/01/leviticus-2-power-rangerspidermanbatman. Our project developed into my new book Photograph
God: Creating a Spiritual Blog of Your Life http://photographgod.com.
PURIM 2016/5776
“He shall remove his garments and don other garments.”
(Leviticus 6: 4)
“Remember what Amalek did to you on your way out of
Egypt. How, undeterred by fear of God,
he surprised you on the way, when you were famished and weary, and cut down all
the stragglers in your rear. Therefore,
when the Lord your God grants you safety from all your enemies around you, in
the Land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall blot
out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.
Do not forget! “ (Deuteronomy 25:17-19)
On the Shabbat before the holiday of Purim, we are
charged not to forget Amalek's merciless murder of Jews solely because they are
We photographed Jewish children celebrating life in Purim
costumes in our Power-Ranger great-grandson Eliad's kindergarten in Israel.
In the Scroll of Esther read on Purim, the incarnation of
Amalek is Haman who plots to murder all Jews in the Persian kingdom.
This week, we could not forget! We were witness to modern day Amaleks' aims
to annihilate the Jewish people that will also fail.
We went to the cemetery in Petah Tikva to remember
Miriam's mother Anna Benjamin on the 2nd anniversary of her passing at 102.
There are no tombstones to mark her parents' graves. They were torn from their home in Holland to
be viciously murdered in Auschwitz.
IDF officer Moshe Peretz, father of Anna’s
great-great-grandson Eliad, said kaddish for her parents on a IDF mission to
This week, our son Moshe Yehuda went the funeral of the
Fogel family butchered in their beds by bloodthirsty Arabs.
The Arab street celebrates these murders as Hamas fires
deadly missiles into Israel and Ahmadinejad calls “to wipe Israel off the map.”
The Purim story ends in Iran with Haman hanging from the
gallows he constructed to hang the Jew Mordecai.
Power-Ranger Eliad aided by Spiderman and Batman will
thwart the evil plots of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Persian ayatollahs.
“For the Jews there was light, gladness, joy, and
honor.” (Esther 8:16)
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, President
Hollande enthusiastically welcomed Hassan Rouhani, president of the
Holocaust-denying genocidal Iranian regime.
Less than a week later, France threatened to recognize the establishment
of a terrorist state of Palestine in the historic heartland of Israel.
France is joined by EU and UN players hiding their
anti-Semitism behind masks of respectability. As I am writing, Brussels, the seat of the EU,
was attacked by Islamic terrorists murdering more than 30 people as the EU boycotts
Jewish businesses that employ hundreds of Arabs.
The same French who established a Nazi Vichy government
that rounded up the French Jews for slaughter in the 1940s subsequently built
dozens of Holocaust memorials and museums in France to honor the 6,000,000 Jews
that they participated in murdering. It
seems that France loves dead Jews but loathes living ones.
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein decried the “hypocrisy” of
France hosting Iranian President Rouhani. “I have no words for the hypocrisy of
the presidents of countries, like France, that on International Holocaust
Remembrance Day host the president of Iran,” he said. “We will have to continue
our struggle to make sure the Holocaust is remembered and so that others’
consciences will speak to them.”
Edelstein also mentioned the Holocaust cartoon contest sponsored by the
Tehran Municipality and set for June, carrying a $50,000 prize.
Michael Oren, former ambassador of Israel to the United
States, asked: “How can Europe respect the memory of the Holocaust, while on
the same exact day it hosts the leader of the Iranian regime, which denies that
the Holocaust even happened?”
Seventy years after Auschwitz, the president of France is
full of smiles as he honors the Iranian president in Paris who threatens to
exterminate all the Jews of Israel. The
Iranians are up-front about their intentions:
"Israel is doomed to be wiped off the map in a war of destiny. "Israel no longer has reason to exist
and will soon disappear."
"Israel is a disgraceful stain on the Islamic world and a rotten
dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
When Rouhani and his henchmen call for the incineration
another 6,000,000 Jews, believe them.
Instead of telling the Iranians to end their Holocaust
denial, support for terrorism, and genocidal threats, the French are
enthusiastically arranging billions of euros worth of business with Iran,
including the sale of dual-use technologies to boost Iran’s nuclear and missile
In addition to honoring Iranian anti-Semitism, France
threatens to recognize a Palestinian terrorist state on the highlands
overlooking Tel Aviv. In the last
election for a Palestinian parliament, the majority in both the West Bank and
Gaza elected Hamas, whose charter reads:
“Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a
Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims…. Muslims will fight the Jews
(and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him…. I indeed wish to
go to war for the sake of Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill,
assault and kill.”
Palestinian public opinion data from surveys conducted by
four independent research groups over the past 25 years exposed Palestinian
positions about Israel that all bear directly on the current Palestinian
terrorist offensive. A solid majority of
Palestinians have supported terrorism against Israelis. Moreover, the more murderous the attack, the
more it is supported. The vast majority
of Palestinians state that they hate Israelis and believe that Jews have no
right to the Land of Israel, and therefore the Jewish state has no right to
When 80-year old Abbas dies or retires, the struggle for
power in the West Bank will be between Fatah, Hamas that rules Gaza, and
Islamic State seeking a caliphate that demands that Israel be eliminated.
The unity and creativity of the Jewish People coupled
with the Israel Defense Forces will defeat its jihadist enemies and their anti-Semitic
allies in the EU and UN.
“For the Jews there was light, gladness, joy, and
honor.” (Esther 8:16)
Power-Ranger Eliad aided by Spiderman and Batman will
thwart the evil plots of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Persian ayatollahs.
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