27 December 2012

Fringed Sukkah

My drawing "Fringed Sukkah" is a proposal for a fragile hut built in the form of a huge talit (prayer shawl).  It symbolizes the prophet Zechariah’s teaching that if people worldwide would live for just one week in huts open to their neighbors and the sky then all humanity would experience peace. 

A sukkah is a hut built to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot during which Jewish families move out of their homes into fragile structures with roofs through which stars can be seen.  Blue fringes flowing from the sukkah link sky to sea, heaven to earth, and spirituality to everyday life.  I built this fringed hut at the BMW Museum in Munich for the "Sky Art" exhibition. 

My drawing appears in the book Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawings edited by Matt Bua and Maximillian Goldfarb (London: Laurence King Publishing, 2012), the catalog of a traveling exhibition of drawings envisioning speculative architecture that opened at Mass MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in 2009.  

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