18 October 2010

Torah Tweets: Book 1 / Genesis בראשית

 A Postdigital Biblical Commentary as a Blogart Narrative

Artists Mel Alexenberg and Miriam Benjamin are celebrating their 52nd year of marriage by collaborating on this blogart project. They were married motzei Simhat Torah, the Jewish holiday when the torah scroll is rewound to begin the annual cycle of reading it. During each of the 52 weeks of their 52nd year, they post six photographs reflecting their life together with torah tweet captions that relate the weekly torah reading to their lives, past and present.

See our Torah Tweets blogart project at http://torahtweets.blogspot.com/  
in which we show 6 images for each of the 12 torah portions in Genesis, the first biblical book.  To whet your appetite for seeing the entire project, we are showing here one image from each of 4 torah portions with torah tweets referring to these images.

The torah portions shown are Hayay Sarah (Women, Water & Loving Kindness), Vayehi (Home after 27 Centuries), Vayera (Eden in the Kitchen), Bereshit (Creation of the World at our Doorstep).  

With the water level of the Sea dangerously low, we were disappointed that the rain clouds dissipated as we walked to the waterfront.
We photographed Tzvi with his daughter in purple (segol) and his wife Nurit with their youngest daughter as their Superman son watched.
Miriam washed the scallions, cut them up, and sprinkled them over layers of cheese-covered potatoes.
Miriam recycled one mitzva for another.  She pressed cloves into our Sukkot etrog (citron) for a sweet smell to mark the end of Shabbat.

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