27 July 2012

Amazing Story

(The Jerusalem Post, July 26, 2012)

Sir, - Marc Zell ("Making Ariel University a reality," Comment & Features, July 24) tells an amazing story in which I had the privilege of participating. I came to Israel from the United States 12 years ago to teach at the College of Judea and Samaria. To see it grow from a small college to a university with 13,000 students during that time is a powerful demonstration of the Zionist miracle of our start-up nation.

As former professor at Columbia University and research fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I can attest to the excellence of Ariel University's educational and research programs. I proudly identified my affiliation with Ariel in my papers published in peer-review international journals and in books.

It was my great honor to have taught at Ariel University until I retired as its first Professor Emeritus.

Menahem (Mel) Alexenberg

Painting from my "Digitized Homage to Rembrandt" series hangs in the library of Ariel University

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