29 April 2009

Academic version of Artiststory blog

Inside/Outside: P’nim/Panim, a biofeedback-generated interactive imaging system in which internal body processes create digital self-portraits. Developed by Mel Alexenberg at MIT's Center for Advanced Visual Studies for his LightsOROT exhibition at Yeshiva University Museum in New York.

Autoethnographic Identification of Realms of Learning for Art Education in a Post-Digital Age

A more academic version of this Artiststory blog appears in my paper in the International Journal of Education Through Art, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2008. Read the abstract below:

Realms of learning for art education in a post-digital world are identified through autoethnography, a qualitative research methodology congruent with an emerging paradigm shift beyond the digital culture of the Information Age to a post-digital Conceptual Age that honours the ability to create aesthetic significance, to discern patterns, to craft a meaningful narrative and to combine seemingly unrelated ideas into a novel creation. Realms of learning are brought to light through a narrative that highlights episodes in the life of an artist/researcher/teacher that have special significance for art education. This autoethnographic inquiry, at the intersections of art, science, technology, and culture, identifies interweaving realms that create a colourful fabric of lifelong learning: from awesome immersion, playful exploration, aesthetic creativity, morphological analysis, interdisciplinary imagination, cybersomatic (computer-body) interactivity, polycultural collaboration, to holistic integration.

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